Los Osos High School
Band, Orchestra, & Color Guard
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is student participation in the program based upon seniority or ability?
A: Participation in our program is always based upon the individual student’s ability on his or her instrument or piece of equipment. Just as the athletic programs have freshman, J.V. and varsity levels, the band program consists of a variety of ensembles. This variety allows students to be placed into ensembles that befit their current level of ability and allow for growth that could potentially help further the students’ skills. With the exception of the 3rd period Symphonic Band (which is open-enrollment for any student) all other ensembles within the program require an audition in order to participate.
Q: Do I have to be in the marching band in order to participate in the jazz ensemble?
A: All jazz bands students must be enrolled in the Los Osos Regiment in order to audition for the Jazz Band and must play in a zero period concert band 2nd semester.
Q: Do I have to take my instrument or color guard equipment home every day?
A: No. Only on weekends, officially. But… in order for the program to continually improve, each student must practice his or her instrument or piece of equipment on a daily basis. Just as math, English, and science homework is done daily, practice on the instruments and equipment is also necessary. We suggest that a minimum of 15 minutes a day of focused practice time be allotted for each student, in order that the student continue to progress at a consistent level. (See our Syllabus located in the “Forms/Docs” area of this website for further information on this topic.)
Q: Can I be involved in athletics and still participate in the program?
A: The Los Osos Band, Orchestra & Color Guard Program is proud to have within its ranks members of nearly every athletic activity on the Los Osos Campus. Those students who choose to divide themselves between a variety of activities must be aware of the necessity of balancing their time in an effective way. This means that the basic standard of maintaining a 2.0 GPA must be upheld in addition to giving full effort toward the band or color guard activity. Students who divide their time between band or color guard and athletics must understand that they will not be permitted to miss any performances; however, flexibility with rehearsals and athletic practices can be prearranged with the Director.
Q: Is fundraising involved?
A: Our program will never deny anyone the opportunity to participate in our organization based upon their ability to make financial contributions. However, each student is asked to donate/fund-raise. There are many fundraising opportunities available for those who seek it. Please see the “Fundraising” page of our website for more information.